Monday, July 13, 2009



Some days back, my friend tagged me. I asked her what it means. She said it’s simple, easy; just you have to disclose ten secrets.

Oh ho….there you are! It’s easy for me, to tell 100 stories which happened in my life…but to reveal a secret that too 10….my God….I just said, I need some time…because I don’t want to harm any one on (because I already did it, and still paying for it)... At the same time……I don no what are the things to say……but at the same time, after all it’s my choice…because she doesn’t mention anything like top 10 J (I hope)

Here it goes!!

  1. Otto-phobia :

All of us know friends are damn good to link you with opp. Side. From school days, it self, I am a victim, in school times itself.

She is one of my close friends and I can’t ask classmates to quiet! I donno what to do? Then one day, an idea torched in my little mind. I gave her a card with wordings “Dear Sister”........

That’s it! I esc from “ottuthal” with her…

P.S: I did the same twice in college. The point here is, one is because of “Otto-phobia” and other is just like that. (If my college sisters, to whom I gave card, you can chose any one out of two as you wish J )

This idea is -> Copy right to

  1. Election:

In the recent election, I voted for P.Chidrambaram, who is our Home Minister. You know one thing, I didn’t tell this to my father and mother till now, but before you read it, I will call and tell it J J J

  1. kindergarten:

I haven’t do LKG or UKG before entering into 1st STD. But my brother did! My mother told I used to cry a lot and hit near by child so they didn’t send me.

  1. AIEEE exam :

When I was in 12th, some of my friends said they are going to write AIEEE exam. I asked those what’s it? What’s the use? And got money from my father, and later I came to know! The question paper is bullshit it’s either in English or Hindi only. (I was in Tamil Medium).Then, I spend half of the money, and return remaining to my father J J

  1. STYLE-A:

In college time, I used to try lot of hair style (nothing worked out). But I never tried to impress a Girl. Now, feeling why I did like that? If not so, like my roommates, now I might be busy in call always.

May be? I wouldn’t see such a girl in college. (If anyone is there, and reading this, sorry I missed you J )

  1. Ambition

My childhood dream and present (?) ambition is to become a Scientist. Reason, why it is delayed, in between I was turned by others, towards Medical, Teacher, Engg, IT ….. Now I found my path to destiny. But still I have confusion, whether to walk in that or not!!!

  1. Cried for nothing:

Normally, I never cry for things, go unpredictably. When I missed medical college seat, lover, arrear in 3rd SEM, first posting in Gurgaon (then Bangalore) and etc…Whatever happens, I take it like that and handle it.

But during the placement time, I did after missed CTS (our first company). In which most of my friends are placed. It’s nearly for half an hour. The thing is if I did something wrong in interview, there is some valid point. But the idiot asked me only two questions (last SEM favorite subject? units in that subject?) that’s it, interview over and I am not selected. I went to room, and cried inside my heart (without drops of tears) and came down congratulated my friends and had nice dinner.

Then I continuously I missed next 4 companies, But I never gave up my confidence. My friends were astonished with that. Then I found the one.

Some months back, one of my friends said you are lucky! You haven’t placed in CTS. See us! We were waiting n waiting… but you people going to have 1yr experience. Later I thought, yha he is true. I was shame on me, Am I cried for worth thing?

(Please, the one who are all placed in CTS, ignore me, I didn’t put this here to offend anyone.)

  1. IàMobile:

In the modern world, every one uses mobile. Changing there models with latest one, frequently. But I couldn’t

My first mobile was, Nokia 1100, my father gave me. Second L5, Motorola, my brother gave me. Third LG 1350, I brought it when I was in Gurgaon. Currently, I have Samsung Model again from my brother. Oh! I forgot to tell, why I changed these many, I broken all first 3 J J J so I fear of getting a new model of high cost.

Even the current one, I laid down 2 times, God’s grace nothing happened, till now.


I never smoked a cigar. Once my friend tried to put it in my mouth, indeed he got a kick in his ass. But I used to drink. I know it’s too bad; but I couldn’t

  1. Visting Card:

Some of my colleagues ordered their Visting cards and whenever see anyone started giving it. But I didn’t. Although it’s free, I want to apply after getting my first promotion only. J J J

To write 10 points, I remembered lot of things, happened in my life. I realized what is tagging now!

So I like to pass this to the following people! Enjoy J J hahhahahhaha!

Deepika Mahalaskhmi

Sudha Tamilvanan


Priyanka Agrawalla said...

Those were nice ones Balaji :)
I share with u the AIEEE thing. I came to know abt tht exam only from the newspaper!!

I hope u vl quit drinking soon :)

take care
Priyanka :)

Saravanan Natarajan said...

I never thought tagging meant this.. I have always seen ppl tagging others ans self in the photos they upload.. theres something called geotagging.. But this is something unheard of.. telling 10 secrets..anyways secrets are always good to hear.. whatever reason it may be :)

Somebody else please tag balaji for another set of 10 secrets from Balaji!!!! ;)

balajihands said...


Hope so! but not now! that's sure! may be after years :)

balajihands said...

Even I didn't!
But feels good!

Sabareesh Divakaran said...

Ballu this is good. I don't feel you revealed the some main secrets which you shared with me. If you revealed the would be too good to continue with your otto-phobia.

Wish List~!